PMA360® Mastermind is designed to provide
you the insight you need to attract, cultivate, close, and retain ideal, profitable clients so you can win in business, life, and with money.
PMA360® Mastermind includes:
Scripting & Selling Mastermind
What to say, when to say it, and how to say it.
Example of resources and trainings:
How to Respond When Asked, "What do you do?" (so, you can bypass objections and excuses).
How to Handle Objections (before they come up).
How to Approach A Friend (without making it uncomfortable).
Branding, Positioning, & Marketing
including marketing to affluent women and couples
Example of resources and trainings:
Creating Your Funnel (from prospect to ideal client).
Creating Your Funnel template.
The Power of Positioning (how to brand yourself to attract more ideal clients).
The Power of Positioning template.
Foundation, Mindset, Performance, & Success
(so, you can master your mindset, focus, Worth Barometer and achieve your desired results)!
Example of resources and trainings:
Deep Dive into Your Worth Barometer
(how to master your Worth Barometer so you can attract your ideal client).
The Worth Barometer Guide (so, you can elevate your Worth Barometer and life).
The Power of Goal Setting (how to set goals so you achieve them).
The Goal Setting Guide (the step-by-step template to set your goals and high value activities).
Vision Your Way to Success (how to visualize your future so you can create your reality).
Releasing Mental Blocks and Core Beliefs (how to remove obstacles and discover the answer to your biggest challenges).
PMA360® renews every 30 days. Cancellations received by® before the end of the month will process at the end of the following month.
Step 1: Contact Information
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Step 2: Billing Address
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Step 3: Check out
$197 every 30 days
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